Analysis and solution of product quality problems of bottle blowing machine

Update: 2021/07/02

Today, let us take a look at some of the problems and s […]

Today, let us take a look at some of the problems and solutions of blow molding machine products.
One. The product foundation is thin.
1. The five bottom corners of the product are thin and the center is thin: the pre-blowing air pressure is too high or the pre-blowing cam is too far forward.
2.2 or 3 bottom corners are thin and not in the center: the pre-blowing air pressure or air flow is too large, the stretch rod is bent or the mouthpiece is air-deviated.
In this case, reduce the pre-blowing air pressure or flow, increase the cam angle, and check the stretch rod will blow the nozzle.
Second, the bottle mouth burst.
1. The same number of burst preform: It may be the reason of the preform itself, you can adjust the height of the lamp holder.
2. The bottle mold number is the same: the pressure under the mouthpiece is too large, adjust the height of the mouthpiece.
3. The mold number is not fixed: the heating temperature of the bottle mouth is too high, reduce the temperature and increase the air volume.
Three. The material is not uniform.
1. There is a wide hard ring somewhere in the middle of the bottle: the one-way valve of the bottle blowing machine is broken or the cylinder piston sealing problem occurs. Replace the one-way valve and piston sealing ring.

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